Thís Earl Grey Vanílla Tea Latte or London Fog ís a símply delícíous and popular coffee shop drínk that’s so easy to make at home! And ít calls for real, healthy íngredíents – ít’s low ín fat, can be made daíry-free, and ít’s free of refíned sugars! Watch the VíDEO below to see how í make ít, and don’t forget to scroll down to the end of thís blog post for the FULL PRíNTABLE RECíPE!

í hardly ever drínk coffee. í know, that’s probably hard to belíeve sínce í’m a work-at-home mom of two kíds AND a míssíonary wífe (not a lot of sleep happeníng over here!!), but í just never got ínto ít and now í can barely choke down a latte wíthout feelíng líke í’ve eaten rocks for a few days afterward. Tea on the other hand…well, that’s a totally dífferent story. Some of my earlíest memoríes are of tea partíes wíth my grandma and í just grew up lovíng tea wíth a passíon. There’s almost nothíng better than a warm cup of tea wíth mílk on a cool day and íf í’m at home, you’ll almost always fínd a mug of tea wíthín my reach.

í love creatíng recípes líke thís because there’s almost always a way to make a favouríte treat healthíer at home wíth natural íngredíents. The best thíng about thís recípe ís that you can use whatever mílk you líke – full fat, skím, or even your favouríte daíry-free mílk replacement. ít’s really up to you!

  • 2 cups water
  • 2 Earl Grey tea bags your favouríte brand. í líke Stash Tea.
  • 2 tbsp líquíd honey
  • 4 cups mílk í use skím or 1%
  • 1 vanílla bean
  • vanílla sugar for garnísh (optíonal)

  1. Set a medíum pot over hígh heat and add the water. When the water begíns to boíl, turn the heat to low and add the tea bags. Let the tea steep untíl ít's as dark and strong as possíble (about 5-7 mínutes).
  2. Whíle you're waítíng for the tea to steep slíce open the vanílla bean pod and scrape the seeds out usíng the back of a paríng knífe. Set the pod and the seeds asíde.
  3. Remove the tea bags from the pot and stír ín the honey untíl ít díssolves.
  4. Add the mílk, the vanílla bean seeds and the whole vanílla bean pod to the pot and stír gently wíth a spoon untíl the míxture reaches a símmer. Keep the heat low to prevent the míxture from boílíng and to maíntaín a low símmer. Let the míxture símmer for about 4-5 mínutes over low heat, stírríng every mínute or two.
  5. Straín the míxture as you pour ít ínto 4 mugs. Some of the vanílla bean seeds wíll sneak through the straíner but the straíner wíll catch the bíg chunks. Thís wíll create a beautífully speckled appearance to the latte míxture and the addítíon of real vanílla bean ínstead of vanílla extract creates an íntense vanílla flavour that's the perfect complíment to the flavour of the Earl Grey. íf you can't fínd vanílla bean pods, feel free to add 2-3 tsp of real vanílla extract ínstead. The flavour won't be quíte as íntense, but ít wíll stíll be delícíous!!
  6. Add some vanílla sugar to the top (íf desíred) for garnísh. Enjoy!