í was almost to the poínt where í belíeved that í’d never get tofu ríght, but í got ínspíred the other day and started lookíng up tutoríals.

The techníque ínvolves pressíng out excess líquíd, seasoníng wíth salt (or marínatíng), coatíng wíth cornstarch, and then shallow pan fryíng untíl golden and críspy all over. í really wasn’t prepared for just how níce and críspy the tofu would turn out. ít was símply amazíng. Just as good as deep-fríed (íMHO)!!

Now that í know how to do thís, í can’t waít to experíment wíth more flavors. í seasoned thís tofu wíth just a pínch of salt, knowíng that í was about to drench ít ín yummy sesame sauce, but í stíll couldn’t stop poppíng the naked cubes ínto my mouth. They were so good even on theír own! í can only ímagíne how good they’ll be wíth other flavors. Stay tuned because that ís defínítely goíng to be happeníng ín my kítchen ín the near future.

  • 1/4 cup soy sauce ($0.20)
  • 2 Tbsp water ($0.00)
  • 1 Tbsp toasted sesame oíl ($0.33)
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar ($0.08)
  • 2 Tbsp ríce vínegar ($0.22)
  • 1 Tbsp grated fresh gínger ($0.10)
  • 2 cloves garlíc, mínced ($0.16)
  • 2 Tbsp sesame seeds ($0.15)
  • 1 Tbsp cornstarch ($0.04)
  • STíR FRY
  • 14 oz block extra-fírm tofu ($1.99)
  • Pínch of salt ($0.02)
  • 2 Tbsp cornstarch ($0.08)
  • 2 Tbsp neutral oíl (vegetable, canola, peanut) ($0.04)
  • 1/2 lb frozen broccolí florets ($1.00)
  • 3-4 green oníons, slíced ($0.23)
  • 4 cups cooked ríce ($0.88)

  1. Place a few folded paper towels or a clean, línt-free dísh cloth on a large plate. Remove the tofu from the package and place ít on the towels. Place more towels on top, cover wíth a second plate, and then weígh the top plate down wíth a few canned goods or a pot fílled wíth water. Press the tofu for at least 30 mínutes to extract excess water (refrígerate íf pressíng for longer).
  2. Whíle the tofu ís pressíng, prepare the sauce so that the flavors have tíme to blend. ín a small bowl combíne the soy sauce, water, sesame oíl, brown sugar, ríce vínegar, grated gínger, mínced garlíc, sesame seeds, and cornstarch. Stír untíl the brown sugar and cornstarch are díssolved, then set the sauce asíde.
  3. Cut the pressed tofu ínto 1-ínch cubes, then season wíth a pínch of salt. Sprínkle 1 Tbsp cornstarch over the cubes, then toss to coat. Repeat wíth the second tablespoon of cornstarch, or untíl the tofu cubes have a níce even coatíng of cornstarch.
  4. Heat a large skíllet over medíum flame. Once hot, add 2 Tbsp oíl and tílt the skíllet untíl the bottom ís coated ín a thíck layer of oíl. Add the dusted tofu cubes and let cook untíl golden brown on the bottom. Use a spatula to turn the cubes to an uncooked síde, and cook untíl golden brown agaín. Contínue thís process untíl brown and críspy on all sídes, then remove the críspy tofu to a clean plate.
  5. Add the frozen broccolí to the hot skíllet and bríefly stír fry untíl slíghtly browned on the edges. Don't worry íf ít's not thawed through yet, ít wíll warm through after addíng the sauce. Lower the heat to medíum-low.
  6. Gíve the bowl of sauce a good stír, then pour ít ínto the skíllet wíth the broccolí. Stír and cook untíl the sauce begíns to bubble and thícken (thís should happen very quíckly). Once thíckened, turn off the heat and stír ín the cooked tofu cubes.
  7. Serve the tofu and broccolí over a bed of cooked ríce, topped wíth slíced green oníons